کاريگر N worker labor workman
کارډ N card
کارگاه N loom workshop frame holding canvas for embroidery
کارگري N pertaining to workers labor
کارگه ADJ crow
کارگه ټکۍ N mallow
کارۍ N a kind of basket used for carrying fruits
کارېز N an underground canal subterranean canal
کاز N desire lust
کازموگرافي N cosmography
کازميکي N cosmic
کاسب ADJ tradesman artisan man of skill professional one has a profession
کاسه N deep dish vessel container receptacle tureen plate side-plate serving dish platter bowl aluminum bowl
کاسه پاک N eat at other's table shameless degraded dishonorable forego self respect one who values his stomach more than his honor
کاسيره adj prostitute whore harlot
کاشف ADJ discoverer
کاشي N glazed tile
کاشي کاري N glazing tile work
کاشين N a large earthen trough
کاغذباد N kite
کاغذداني N waste paper basket
کاغذي N of paper paper soft
کاغذي بادام ADJ thin almond brittle thin shell paper-thin shell
کاغذي چغزي brittle thin shell paper-thin shell
کاغزي واغز thin walnut brittle thin shell paper-thin shell
کاف N
کافر N unbeliever pagan infidel atheist infidel one with no religion atheist
کافر گڼنه N blasphemy impious action profanity sacrilege cursing swearing
کافرونه N blasphemy impious action profanity sacrilege cursing swearing
کافور N camphor
کافي ADJ a lot a great deal sufficient too much sufficient enough coffee coffee-house café
کاکانوی N paternal uncle's wife
کاکانې N paternal uncle's wife
کاکړ N an afghan tribe
کاکۍ N term of address for an elderly woman
کاگه ويلني N large aniseed fennel
کالبوت N carcass body skeleton mould
کالرا N cholera
کالکه N boll cotton pod
کالنۍ N year-book yearly annually
کالوري N calorie
کالي N wear attire wearing apparel garb clothes furniture garments article of clothing garb outfit
کاليزه N calendar anniversary birthday
کام N nation people tribe
کام ناکام N wily Nelly
کامچه ADV:
کامره N camera
کامل N perfect complete thorough entire
کاملاً Adj entirely totally completely
کامياب ADV successful
کاميابول Adj cause to succeed
کاميابي V successful achievement
کاميابېدل N succeed to achieve
کانال N canal
کاناډا N Canada
کانتين N cafeteria canteen
کانديد N candidate candidacy
کانديدول V to nominate
کانديدېدل V nominated
کانسروه V conserve (s) preserve's)
کانسرټ N concert
کانسونېنټ N consonant
کانکرېټ N concrete
کانکور N concourse contest
کانه N mishap ill luck misfortune
کاني N mineral pertaining to mine
کانگه Adj vomit puke
کانگې N vomit puke throw out regurgitate disgorge
کانې N paternal uncle's wife
کاهل N lazy idle indolent inactive slothful slack Adj lazy idle indolent not willing to work inert slothful indolent slothful habitually idle inert lethargic
کاهو Adj lettuce
کاونډيتوب N neighborliness
کاوو N lettuce
کاوړه N anger rage outrage furry wrath temper
کاينات N the universe nature beings
کايښت N worry
کاټېرۍ N vessel with spout and a long handle for frying a frying pan a kind of children's game
کاړي واړي N clumsy awkward lazy
کاگل Adj composition of mud and straw applied to walls
کاڼ N kind of oak
کاڼه N foxtail plural of deaf
کب نيول N to fish
کباب V kebab roast meat barbecue
کباب غوښه N roast meet kebab meet meeting cooked on fire
کبابول N roast meat torment
کبابي V kebab maker
کبابېدل N roasted
کبر N egoism egotism vanity conceit self-love self-glorification insolence pride haughtiness
کبر N grave
کبرجن Adj proud dignified honorable self-respecting principled high-minded independent self-sufficient dignified honorable principled conceited vain smug self-satisfied self-important prideful proud arrogant vain proud insolent haughty arrogant presumptuous
کبرکن Adj grave digger
کبل N garden grass high-minded
کبلی N fawn
کپ N bent back because of old age lining of a shoe bite cup
کپچه مار N cobra Asian and African poisonous snake
کپرک N bumpiness
کپرۍ N skull head
کپس N cage
کپسول N capsule
کپن N winding sheet shroud
کپن کښ N grave robber
کپه N tray made of wicker palmful dose of powdered medicine
کپه کول N palm full a doze of powdered medicine putting in mouth at once
کپړه V clothes cloth
کپۍ N shoes
کت N fold
کت کت N utterances for calling chickens
کتاب خانه N library
کتاب خرڅوونکی N book seller
کتاب وروستی علاوه شوې برخه N epilogue added part final section concluding addition addendum
کتابت N clerk ship
کتابچه N note book copy book
کتابخانه N library
کتابدار N Liberian
کتابداري N librarian ship
کتابفروشي N book selling bookshop book store
کتابي N bookish Biblical scriptural authentic
کتار Adj in line in queue line up row line a kind of game queue file rank column tier row line column file tier
کتان N linen flax
کتاني N of flax of linen
کتره Adj a chop (of meat)
کتغ N any kind of cooked food dish hash
کتلاک V catalog (ue)
کتلمه N a kind of sweet meat to visit
کتله N mass
کتنځی N clinic
کته N a strong quilt that is placed on beast of burden's back for carrying loads and also for keeping them warm dried apricot pack-saddle
کتول N fold
کتيبه V frieze with inscription
کتېدل N :
کثافت V dirt refuse garbage filth
کثرت N majority great number superfluity immensity numerousness
کثيرالاضلاع N polygon
کثيف N dirty filthy
کجاوه Adj camel litter pannier
کجک N curl ring let of hair
کجل N collyrium
کجور N kind of corn (maize)
کجوره N date date palm
کچ N measurement dimension size width, breadth, length, height, depth area capacity volume unit of measure (about 42 inches) square
کچالو N potato
کچر N mule half donkey-half ass jackass burro content mass weight
کچکول N cup
کچل N bow-legged
کچنۍ N whore prostitute harlot slut hooker hustler
کچه Narticle little finger or toe base ignoble raw unreal measurement Adj used to drive away goats
کچه غرمه N late morning branch time the time before noon
کچه کيدنه ADV embarrassment humiliation mortification shame discomfiture awkwardness
کچول N broken or crushed utensil measure
کچوله N dogbane
کر N sowing agriculture
کراچي N cart
کرار N slowly quiet slowly quietly
کرار کرار Adj slowly slower slowest with little than usual speed
کرار گرار adv slowly in a slow manner unhurriedly bit by bit leisurely
کراره ADV calm quietness slowness peace
کراره کراري N utter silence quietness stillness tranquility calmness
کرارول N quiet slow down
کراري N stillness calmness silence calm quietness slowness peace
کراسته N felt (thick)
کرامت N generosity greatness miracle wonder marvel
کراهت N aversion loathing repugnance disgust
کرايه N rent fare freight hire
کرايه کښ N freight carrier
کرايي N let out for hire rented hired
کراړ Adj hard thorny bush producing hard wood
کراړه Adj dried curd
کرباس N loosely woven cotton cloth
کرپ N crunch crackle
کرپا N crushing crackling
کرپند N gristly
کرپندوکی Adj gristle cartilage
کرپول N crunch to crackle
کرپی Verb crunching cracking
کرت N one (time) once
کرچ N crack
کرچهار N crunching crackling
کرچول N shatter to crackle
کرچی Verb crunching crackling
کرد N lot plot (of a field)
کردار N act deed attitude manner demeanor outlook perspective disposition
کردي N Kurdish
کرسۍ Adj chair a seat for one person
کرشت adj getting a numbing in the mouth by biting the skin of orange or pomegranate.
کرشنيل N knitting needle
کرغه Adj dry waterless land
کرغښی N jaw bone
کرغېړنېدل Verb become dirty to become soiled to become filthy
کرک N silt quail furrow down nap soft wool (obtained from goats) cashmere
کرکره Adj crown comb crest
کرکلی N sheepskin-hut Aster khan hut Afghan hut made from sheep skin detestable
کرکنکه N windpipe trachea
کرکنډه N a large rock
کرکۍ N the female of quail plows hear
کرل V pulverize mortar sow ice solid (ice) frozen ice bound
کرم N cabbage generosity magnanimity greatness
کرمچ N sneakers tennis shoes canvas
کرميچ Adj sneakers tennis shoes canvas
کرنکه N windpipe trachea
کرنه N sowing agriculture
کرنيل N colonel
کرنگ Adj sowing agriculture ice solid frozen ice bound
کره N spade minute exact pure correct reliable authentic
کره کتنه Nreview considered opinion critique criticism evaluation criticism critique
کرهار N squeak creak
کرهه N aversion repugnance
کرهڼه N agriculture
کروکي N sketch (map)
کرون N crone
کروه Adj a unit of distance (about 3 km)
کروړ N hard solid crore(10 million)
کروړه N black berry black berry bush bramble
کروی N keeper of a field spherical global
کروېږه N hollow stupid
کرياب Adj needy be hard up hardest idle
کريابول Adj disengaged to stop to render needy
کريابي V needfulness
کريابېدل N be disengaged to be stopped to be needy to be hard up
کريچ V sword
کريغې N noise commotion excitement tumult furor uproar
کريکه N cry
کريم N cream paste
کريمينولوجي N criminology
کريډټ N credit
کريږه N cry
کرښ N footfall patter of feet thud or clatter of horse's hoofs
کرښه N linen trace
کرښيل N footstep trace footprint
کرگدن N rhinoceros
کرگس N vulture
کرڼۍ N vessel with spout and a long handle for frying. a frying pan a kind of children' game
کرۍ N weaving instrument all entire whole
کرېز N molt shedding of feathers
کرېټ N crate
کسات N revenge vengeance
کسات اخيستل N avenge to take vengeance
کسب V profession occupation job line of work business pursuit occupation trade craft profession
کسب گر N artisan craftsman handicraftsman master master craftsman skilled worker
کسبه کار N artisan craftsman handicraftsman master master craftsman skilled worker professional worker blacksmith goldsmith carpenter etc
کسبول N attain to acquire
کسبي V professional
کسبگر Adj craftsman (men) professional one has a profession
کسر N fracture fraction deficit detraction depreciation
کسره N a diacritical mark representing(1)
کسري N fractional
کسکر Adj char scorch sear scold singe paddy rice in the husk
کسی V pupil (of the eye)
کش N draught traction
کشاف N reconnoiterer
کشاله N intricate question difficulty
کشپ N tortoise turtle
کشت N (chess) check
کشری Adj the youngest one junior
کشف Adj discovery detection
کشفول N detect to discover
کشکارل V to set (on a dog)
کشکره V magpie
کشکه N the mole Indian women draw on forehead a mole between eyebrows
کشکي N I wish O that
کشمالو Adv basil
کشمالی N basil
کشمش N raisins
کشمکش N fighting war struggling skirmish encounter confrontation
کشميره N cashmere suiting
کشو N tortoise turtle
کشول N pull to drag to draw to stretch
کشړوپ V toothless edentate
کشی Adj an only son
کشېدل N be pulled to be extended to be drawn
کعبه V Kabana
کغ N sound of choking 9as of a hen)
کفاره N atonement repentance penence expiation redemption
کفاره ورکول N expiation atonement penitence penance
کفالت N acting for
کفايت N sufficiency adequacy efficiency
کفر N blasphemy infidelity unfaithfulness
ککوړی N adolescent a young man loaf of bread disc record album disk
ککوی N hoopoe
ککوې N lapwing pewit
ککړ N dirty soiled unclean grimy soiled grubby filthy
ککړول Adj dirty to soil
ککړېدل V be soiled to become dirty
کل V all the whole of the total of the entire of
کل سری Adj bald loss of hair on the head one who has skin disease on his head
کلا Adj castle fort fortress citadel castle fort fortress a house surrounded by high walls
کلابند N besieged
کلابندي Adj siege
کلاسيسيزم N classicism
کلاسيک N classic
کلانکاره N arrogant haughty vain conceited
ککره N skull head
کلالي N pottery
کفيل N one who acts for another in a specific capacity
کلانکاري Adj arrogant vanity conceit haughtiness egoism egotism vanity conceit self-love self-glorification
کلاوه N skein hank clew
کلب N club
کلپ N counterfeit forged fraudulent deceitful rough lock
کلپول Adj to lock
کلپي V fraud deceit cheating trickery forgery falsification embezzlement deception
کلپېدل N Err
کلتور V culture
کلتوري N cultural
کلچ Adj clutch
کلچر N culture
کلچه N cookie cake of soap)
کلخوز N kolkhoz collective farm
کلداره N the monetary unit of India and Pakistan Rupee
کلسيم N calcium
کلک N strong firm hard stiff hard (rock like) solid staunch steadfast rock-like firm rigid unbending stony steely tough tenacious stout resilient stalwart hard rock-like stony rigid stiff unplayable
کلکسيون Adj collection
کلکه غوښتنه N determined request definite insistance
کلکوالی N hardness firmness hard firm rigid stiff unbending
کلکول Adj harden to make firm to solidify
کلکين V window
کلکېدل N become hard to become thick
کلم V pen item cutting slip scion
کلمه N word creed of faith
کلمول N make a cutting of to propagate by slip to trace to draw
کلنگ N pick pickaxe crane hoe pickax tribute money goods or clothes given by a bride's family to the husband's
کلنگي N strong big (especially a cock) a fighting cock
کلنی Adj yearly
کله Adv head when when which time what time
کله پز adv one who cooks and sells sheep's head and trotters
کله کله N sometime now and then
کلوچ Adv crumpled rumpled crushed
کلورين Adj chlorine
کلول N to shave
کلي N total general villages, key (of a lock, or winding of a watch)
کلي اصول Adj theory
کليات N the complete work of
کليچ مزی N two or more strings turned into one strong string thread twine strand line
کليزه N calendar anniversary
کليسا N church
کليشه N cliché stereo type (plate) negative
کلينک N clinic
کليه N axiom principle rule
کليوال N villager rural
کلگوټۍ زلفې Adj kempt hair
کلگی N the top of the head the top of the cap
کلی N village hamlet
کم N few little meager insufficient small particle fragment speck Adj which
کم بخته Adj unlucky gloomy unhappy downcast dejected dispirited glum bad omen not lucky misfortune unfortunate luckless ill-starred
کم خرڅه Adj indigent thrifty economical saving
کم خوني Adj anemia
کم عقل N unintelligent brainless idiotic boneheaded gullible simple credulous unwise green foolish stupid imprudent fatuous brainless
کم عقله Adj simple naïve foolish simple-minded thick-witted obtuse indiscrete ill-advised short- sighted
کم قوته Adj powerless without strength impotent feeble debilitated frail weak feeble debilitated exhausted shaky
کم همته Adj ignominious ignoble insensible impassive vile detestable
کم وخت Adj when? at what time?
کم و زېات Adv somewhat some measure some degree some extent
کمالداره N educated accomplished skillful
کمانۍ Adj spring (automobile)
کمايي N profit gain
کمبره N narrow of little breadth
کمبله Adj carpet
کمبلگی N small blanket small rug small carpet
کمبوت N shortage
کمبود N shortage
کمبوديا N Cambodia
کمپراډور N comprador (e)
کمپنۍ N company
کمپوز N composition (music)
کمپوډر N compounded
کمچه N little (finger)
کمخرڅه N tightwad penny-pincher cheapskate frugal penny-pinching stingy
کمديده سترکې Adj weak eyed short sighted or long sighted entire
کمر Adj precipice cliff crag
کمربند N belt girdle cummerbund sash band waistband
کمرنگه N fade pale dim dull lose luster lose color pale faint-colored
کمره V camera
کمزورتيا N weakness feebleness
کمزوره N weak feeble
کمزوري Adj weakness feebleness
کمزوری N powerless without strength impotent debilitate faint frail weakened enervated weakness feebleness fragility weak feeble lacking strength frail debilitated
کمزورې Adj skinny weak feeble frail debilitated
کمزورې رڼا Adj dimness diffuseness murkiness gloom gloominess faintness
کمزورې سترگې N weak eyed short sighted or long sighted entire
کمسل Adj not genuine of low quality base
کمشان Adj little minute small amount less in quantity
کمک N help assistance aid
کمکينه N childhood
کمکی Adj young small youngster kid juvenile teenager adolescent
کمه روښانتيا N dimness diffuseness murkiness gloom gloominess faintness
کموالی N shortage scantiness insufficiency littleness deficiency
کمول N lesson to decrease to deduct to reduce to diminish
کمون V commune
کمونه N discount abatement reduction rebate remission
کمونيزم N communism
کمونيست N communist
کمونيستي N communistic communist
کمي N quantitative
کميت Adj quantity
کميدنه N getting smaller becoming lesser becoming poorer eating into the profit
کميدي N comedy
کميسيون N commission
کميک N comic funny amusing
کميني Adj humility modesty humbleness lowliness unpretentiousness demureness
کميټه N committee
کمڅټ N vulture bird of prey scavenger carrion eater
کمی N deficiency lacking shortage deficiency inadequacy
د کمې حوصلې خاوند N impatient restless nervous edgy tense irritated
کمېدل Adj be diminished to grow less to become scarce to be deducted
کمېشن V commission agitated
کمېشن کار N commission agent
کناره گير N avoiding evade allude shun keep away from
کناوېز Adj a kind of fine silk cloth
کنايه N metaphor sarcastic remark allusion
کناټی N hip buttock
کنترول N control
کنترولر N controller
کنترولول N to control
کنج V corner
کنجاره N oil-cake from cotton) cotton cake
کنجتي N sesame
کنجرۍ N trollop strumpet
کنجکاو N curious
کنجکاوي Adj curiosity inquisitiveness nosiness questioning prying
کنجوس Adj stingy mean parsimonious miserly penny-pinching tight-fisted
کنجوغه Adj carrier (of a bicycle)
کنجي N key (of a lock, or winding of a watch)
کميسونه N shirts chemises
کميسان N shirts chemises
کميسار N commissar
کنخلې verbal abuse call names insult abuse malign slander abuse
کند N hard sugar lump sugar robe rags tatters (of a dervish)
کنده N stub block log counterfoil pit cavity ditch trench hollow excavation
کندهار N a province of Afghanistan
کندهاری N an inhabitant of Kandahar
کندوڼی N earthen ware piece fragment (earthen ware)
کنسرو N conserve
کنسرټ N concert
کنسکی N stingy
کنفدراسيون Adj confederation
کنفرانس N conference
کنگاش N deliberation counsel advice
کنگس N narcissus
کنه N tick
کنوانسيون N convention
کني کبر N crab
کنيه N surname
کنټرول N control
کنټرولر N controller
کنټرولول N to control
کنځا V bad language abuse calling names
کنځاوې N verbal abuse call names insult abuse malign slander abuse
کنځل V call names to abuse verbal abuse call names insult abuse malign slander abuse
کنځله N sesame
کنځلې غوړ N sesame oil
کنډاس N a person with several of his teeth missing
کنډال N earthen trough (for washing cloth)
کنډر N hole
کنډو N pass gap breach
کنډواله N a ruin
کنډول N earthen trough toothless deep dish bowl vessel container receptacle tureen
کنډولی N an earthen broken pot
کنډوول N to make a gap into
کونړ V a province of Afghanistan
کنگال N rinsed
کنگالول Adj to rinsed
کنگره N congress rim
کنگری N puppy a young dog one less than a year
کنگلېدل N freeze to ice
کنگو V saffron
کهار Adv boy (horse)
کهاله N lazy
کهالي N dillydallying uncertainty laziness idleness indolence
کهتري N inferiority
کهربا N amber jet
کهول N family house-hold dynasty household sub tribe clan people of same genealogy ancestry speaking same language and belief in the same religion
کهښت N worry
کوارچه N basket for carrying fruit
کواره N large basket for carrying fruit
کوازه N scaffolding
کوايت N drill parade
کواټ N Err:
کواټه N talkative garrulous
کوباټ Adj cobalt
کوبۍ N bubble
کوپ N cup stoop one with bent back crouch genuflect
کوپراتيف Adj cooperative
کوپرۍ N skull cranium
کوپه N hollow niche cavity kind of hair cut
کوپون N coupon
کوپړه N copra coconut
کوپړۍ N skull cranium
کوپۍ N ditch pit trench hollow excavation
کوت N armpit hollow in the ground used as a shelter for animals curly fold
کوتان N heron
کوتاه فکر N nearsighted myopic unable to see far amblyopic, weak-eyed purblind short-sighted lacking foresight improvident imprudent ill-advised unthinking
کوتره Adj pigeon dove
کوتری N puppy a young dog one less than a year
کوتک N club
کوتل N to skin pass
کوتنه V trousers
کوتيکی N puppy a young dog one less than a year
کوتړک N making sound with fingers clicking sound with thump and middle finger
کوچلانه N skin for keeping butter
کوچنوټی N diminutive of small or little
کوچنيواله Adj childhood
کوچنيوالی N smallness childhood
کوچنی N small little
کوچنی پرهار Adj small wound diminutive for wound
کوچنی تارکش N little spider diminutive for spider
کوچنی صندوق N small box small chest, caddy or coffer or carton and receptacle
کوچنی لنگ N little towel a small absorbent cloth worn by men a tow let worn to hide men genital area
کوچه N a meal of boiled wheat
کوچه مار N cobra
کوچي N butter nomad nomadic
کوچيانو ژوند Adj nomadic life Afghan Kochis life Arab Bedouins life
کوچيانی N nomadic
کوچی Adj nomad
کوچېدل N move to migrate
کوخکه V insect
کود N fertilizer manure dung animal excrement animal droppings feces
کودتا N coup d' teat
کودری N a piece of broken crockery potsherd fertilizer
کوده N bunch tuft bundle
کودی N great-great grandson potsherd piece of broken crockery
کوتۍ N can small box
کوجرکي N vertebra (spinal)
کوراغ N foot and mouth the disease of foot and mouth animal disease of foot and mouth
کوربچه N cushion a narrow thin mattress a soft pad
کوربل N lament moan groan
کوربنه N hostess
کوربه N hostess
کوربونی N gusset (in trousers) gore
کورپه N kind of hair cut
کورت N dried curd
کورت او غوړي N ghee and quart a dish in which ghee and quart is poured over bread
کورتاژ N abortion termination of pregnancy
کورتوبه N dried black curd
کورتۍ N coat jacket
کورد N plot patch (of land)
کورداري N wife sexual intercourse
کورديپلوماتيک N diplomatic corps
کورس N chorus
کورغ N reserved
کورک N unripe green down nap soft wool (obtained from goats) material made of this
کورکمان N turmeric curcuma
کورکۍ N diminutive of (کور)
کورمانه N home management
کورمک N a person with small eye
کورمن N pheasant
کورمه N gravy stew
کورنځۍ N weakness convalescence
کورنگی N the young of an ass colt foal
کورنی N pertaining to home domesticated
کورنۍ N family dynasty household clan family group lineage lineal group pedigree line
کوره N furnace kiln void cancelled crossed
کوره کول Adj cross out to cancel
کوروالا V married head of the family
کورودانی Adj thanks gratitude
کوريا N Korea
کورټ N absolutely definitely
کورگی Adv diminutive of (کور)
کوری N salt shaker salt-cellar
کورې N word used for driving away dogs .
کورېز Adv shedding of feathers
کوز Adj down low near the ground near the floor
کوزده Adj engagement betrothal matrimony fiancee
کوزه N earthen pitcher jug
کوزول N lower to put down
کوزياڼه V initiation of a bridegroom into the family of the bride
کوزړۍ N small earthen pitcher
کوزېدل N get down to get off
کوژدن V engagement betrothal matrimony fiancee
کوژده N engagement betrothal matrimony fiancee
کوسه N thin-bearded
کوسی Adj great-grandson
کوسۍ N felt cloak
کوسۍ N hoar loose women
کوشش N attempt endeavor venture make an effort effort understanding try crack try attempt strive make an effort
کوششي Adj assiduous hard working active diligent industrious tenacious
کوشېر Adj weld
کوشېرول V to weld
کوشېرېدل V to be welded
کوکاره N cry wail
کوکره N trachoma
کوکری N puppy a young dog one less than a year
کوکرې N plural of trachoma
کوکه N cry wail scream yell shriek shout outcry scream shriek
کوکا کولا N coca cola
کوکو N cooing
کوکو پښ N
کوکول N to stitch
کوکي V spider
کوکۍ N broken piece of glass
کول N pond reservoir shallow water place where water stagnates poison standing on one's head to do auxiliary verb used after a noun or adverb to change it to infinitive ad
کولپ N lock
کولپک N bolt door bolt
کولپول N to lock
کولپېدل V lock to become lock
کولچه V cookie a cake (soap)
کولک N (eye) socket hole in the roof of a house to let the smoke out brow above the forehead
کولکټيو N collective
کولمبيا N Columbia
کولمه N intestine casing gut
کولنډی N bobtailed
کوله N howl
کولۍ N Err:508
کوم وخت PRN when at what time when which time what time
کوما Adv coma
کومبړ N hole
کوم شي ته کتنه N allusion indirectly referring hint suggestion
کومک N help assistance aid
کومکي N auxiliary
کومه Adj cheek
کومول N stork
کوميسيون N committee commission team board working group
کوميک N comic
کوميټه Adj committee commission team board working group
کوناټی N hip buttock
کونج N corner
کونجاړه N oil-cake (from cotton) cotton cake
کونجۍ N key earthen mug birds-cup
کونداغ N swaddling-clothes butter gun-stock
کونده N stub block log counterfoil
کونسترگی N diaper
کونسل N consul
کونسټ N foundation base
کونسټه N foundation base
کونک N the blunt end of an egg
کوني کبر N crab
کونيکبر N crab the fourth month of the solar year
کونځلي N sesame
کونډ N widower
کونډ کپر N blunt dull rounded
کونډاله Adj flower-pot
کونډتوب N widow-hood
کونډتون N widow-hood
کونډلۍ N a kind of thorn
کونډه N widow relative less poor woman destitute female
کونډی N widows shortage clip-eared
کونډېدل Adj to become widowed
کونگری N puppy
کونی N burnt portion of rice sticking to the pan
کوهيان N wells
کوهی N well (water)
کوي مخی N one whose face has been badly marked by smallpox
کوينی Adj burnt portion of rice sticking to the pan
کويه N moth cloth moth (clothes-)moth
کويټ N Kuwait
کويړی کونه N suspension hanging fasten from above dangle
کوټ N mound pile heap stack mass batch kind of alloy arsenal coat overcoat fort stronghold
کوټبند N hanger clothes hanger
کوټبند خړونکی N coat hinder stand
کوټرکی N foal the young of a donkey
کوټل N pound to beat
کوټلی V thoroughly researched well-researched not leaving any stone unturned through
کوټه کونه N stock store stockpile reserve hoard accumulate
کوټی N foal the young of a donkey baby ass
کوټۍ N building mansion
کوڅک N chicken-pox
کوڅی N curls (hair) hair style plats long hair braid (of hair)
کوډ N code
کوډ گر N magician wizard sorcerer necromancer shaman warlock
کوډخه N hut
کوډله N code hut simple dwelling a small living place made from natural material
کوډي N sorcery charm spell
کوډگر N sorcerer
کوډې N witchcraft exorcism magic sorcery witchery spell charm incantation voodoo
کوړاغ N foot and mouth disease barbs
کوړکه N brooding (hen) clucking hen
کوړکوړ N gurgling
کوړم N pond standing water
کوړمن N sickly infirm indisposed
کوړمه N family wooden sandal
کوړنچ N groan (dog)
کوړنچول N to cause to groan
کوړنچی V groan (dog)
کوړنچېدل N to groan
کوړنگ V tall and clumsy
کوړه N heap pile quibbler squabble trouble maker
کوړول V cause to bubble incline hang in an inclining position
کوړوی V basket used as a measure
کوړی N wooden mortar
کوړۍ N bunch of poles heap stack
کوړۍ کوړۍ N in stacks in heaps sinuous meandering
کوړېدل V bubble gurgle incline
کوږ N hyena crooked bent contrary to rules and regulations not observing rules deviating from conventions
کوږ ووږ N twist curl coil roll corkscrew spiral
کوږ والی N lopsided off balance askew asymmetric unbalance
کوږل N to skin
کوږوالی V crookedness
کوښکه N back heel
کوښه N Err:
کوښښ N effort endeavor attempt
کوگل N chest
کوگير N skimmer
کوڼ N deaf
کوڼتوب Adj deafness
کوڼوالی N deafness
کوی N smallpox
کيچړی N a dish made of rice vetch and dried curds
کيسر N cold (horse's, donkey's)
کيسه N story wash cloth glove used for rubbing in baths
کيسه بر N pick-pocket
کيسه بري N pocket-picking
کيسه مال N masseur professional masseur
کيسۍ Adj riddle puzzle
کيش N shoo (used for driving away birds and chickens)
کيشکارل N urge a dog to bite or fight
کيف V enjoyment pleasure
کيفي N qualitative supposed
کيفيت Adj quality condition circumstance
کيکر N common guinea fowl
کيکه N flea
کيله N line
کيلو N Kilogram
کيلومتر N Kilometer
کيلوگرام N Kilogram
کيليدک N sideburns
کليوالي N rural folk pertaining to village
کيندل Adj to dig
کينه N spite hatred malice rancor jealousy feeling of resentment ill will bitterness rancor hold against enviousness jealousy envy covetousness resentment
کينه کښ N spiteful malicious mean disingenuinuousness insincerity mendaciousness
کينه ناک Adj jealous envious resentful covetous grudging
کيوبا N Cuba
کيوبايي N Cuban
کېږدۍ Adj a tent of coarse woolen mate rail
کېښودل N place put locate lay set seat
کټ Adj cot bed deposit stow fix root
کټ کټ N loudly
کټ مټ Adv exactly precisely noticeably markedly striking resemblance like-father like-son remarkably stunningly
کټاره Adv fence
کټبون N matting
کټمل N bed bug chinch
کټميره N dove
کټه N profit gain return realization remuneration financial reward
کټهار N cackling
کټو N clay cooking pot
کټوری N cup frying pan measuring container measuring unit of quantity standard for quantity a container of standard capacity known measured out quantity
کټول N move
کټوه Verb clay cooking pot
کټی N straw of chick peace young one of a buffalo
کڅ N flood-land
کڅه N flood-land
کڅوک N chicken-pox
کڅوړه N bag
کډبه N nomad vagabond
کډن N with the family
کډه N wife moving (from one place to another pit furrow rent rut
کډهل N hole or pit
کډو N pumping gourd squash
کډوال N nomad married
کډۍ N loom
کړاو N difficulty hardship trouble suffering toil suffering anguish excruciation torment tribulation chagrin
کړاونه N difficulties hardship suffering affliction adversity ordeal
کړاوه N wooden sandal
کړايي N frying pan
کړپ N snap click
کړپ کړوپ N clank-clink to make a sharp sound
کړپا N snap click
کړپندوکی N gristle cartilage
کړپهار N snapping clicking
کړپول N click to snap to crunch
کړپی V snapping clicking
کړپېدل N click to snap
کړت V utterance evocable
کړتن N talkative chatterer gas-bag tattler idle talker
کړته Adj twiddle jabber idle talk
کړچ N screech squeak
کړچهار N gritting clicking squeaking
کړچول N grit to gnash to click to squeak
کړچی V gritting clicking squeaking
کړچېدل N grit
کړس N tumult uproar commotion hullabaloo din bedlam pandemonium screech squeak
کړسند N breakable fragile brittle
کړشوپ Adj toothless one who has no teeth one who has lost his teeth
کړک Adj reed thin fragile frail large container or bin made of reed
کړکه N brooding (hen)
کړکی N reed thin fragile frail cry of the partridge
کړکېچ N obstinacy complexity difficulty
کړکېچن N complex difficult tangled intricate knotty
کړل Adj do
کړم V lake pond sad stung (by a scorpion) cut off
کړمن N grieving sorrowful distressed anguished
کړمنېزن Adj snotty slobbery
کړمڅی Adj breeching breech band
کړمېزی N snot saliva slaver slobber dribble
کړند N uneasy disturbed troubled annoyed
کړنده Adj placenta
کړنلاره N procedure policy direction
کړنگ N clank clang cling icebound solid large smooth boulder a high smooth rock that one can't climb
کړنگهار Adj clanging
کړنگول N to clang
کړنگی V clanging
کړنگېدل N clang to cling
کړه N character moral constitution behavior deeds manners link ring bracelet
کړه وړه N manners character deeds looks
کړوبی N juice
کړوپ Adj stoop one with bent back crouch genuflect humpbacked dented indented bent back because of old age
کړوپوالی Adj dented ness humpbacked ness
کړوپول N dent
کړوپېدل V be dented to be humpbacked
کړوسی V great-grandson
کړوسۍ N great-granddaughter
کړول Adj tease to torment to broil to barbecue to bother to tease taunt ridicule mock make fun off distress to bother give trouble annoy pester to irritate to vex peeve provoke anger irk
کړولی V to cause to squeal to cause to cry to make shout to cry out
کړومبې N dilute butter milk
کړونه N pestering bother annoying tormenting troubling
کړيسي N pod (s)
کړيکه N scream cry
کړگابه N a duck-like bird (with black spots on it breast)
کړۍ N link ring handcuffs
کړېدل N troubled suffer burn affected with smarting grief to be afflicted
کړېزن V sick or diseased animal
کړېڅۍ Adj ladle frying pan
کږل N consider as a bad omen
کږلېچ V bend twist
کږلېچی N bend a person with a crooked arm
کږنه N considering as a bad omen
کږه N hyena (fem)
کږوالی N crookedness
کږول N bend to twist
کږېدل V bend to become curved or crooked
کښ N rustling sound rustle trace track vestige trace
کښت N cultivation plantation crop sown field
کښتنی N lower
کښته Adv dried apricot down below slope dried up apricot dry apricot apricot that is stoned and dried
کښتيوان N boatman sailor
کښتگر N farmer cultivator
کښتۍ N boat ship canoe
کښکر N very dry
کښکری Adj small piece (of soap) pit
کښکی N rustling sound
کښکېلۍ N spout
کښل V root out annihilate to eradicate draw to pull to write
کښندی V ice-skating
کښی N man in charge of watering fields farms
کښې N PREP in inside in into within
کښې ايستل Adv involve to entrap to entangle
کښېکښل V press to compress to squeeze to push to massage
کښېنستل V sit
کښېنول V set to arrest to wake to plant to land (airplane)
کښېوتل V be involved to be entrapped to be ensnared to fall into to enter
کښېيستل V involve to entrap to entangle
کښېښوول V put to place
کڼاوه V clog wooden sandals
کڼتيا N deafness
کڼه ورغه N kind of crow
کڼول N deafen
کڼی V wrap spider's web big dipper
کڼېدل N to be deaf
کې V in inside
کېبل Adv cable
کېت N faith
کېج N hard
کېدل Adj become hard to happen to occur
کېزه V land ready for plugging (tillage)
کېس N honor dignity
کېش N shawl
کېک N cake
کېله N banana
کېميا N chemistry
کېمياپوه N chemist
کېمياوی N chemical
کېڅ Adj grave
کېڅۍ N money-purse
کېړه N mat made of tamarisk
کېړۍ N sandals mat made of tamarisk
گاوميښ N male buffalo
گرم خانه N room room that is heated from under the floor
گنده بغل N disease stinking armpit REF!
گوره خره N onager wild ass
گيډه ور N pot-belly greedy
گړنگهار Adj clattering jingles