pore = عربي هېوادونه، منظور به يې د سمندر پورې غاړه وي. كه د چا زوى په عربستان يا اماراتو كې وي، نو وايې ((زى مې پېرې دى.))

ADV,yonder,beyond,over,across,to,up to,till,until,relate,pertain,appertain,belong,apply,refer particl,till,until,up to the time,ADV,to,as far as,'near, up to, close to, ',piercing,anointing,coloring hands with henna, V,start,commence,get going,leave,set out,set off,relate,pertain,appertain,belong,apply,refer, ADJ,reference to ,refer with,in regard to,in connection,in relation with,assured,guaranteed,certain,sure,unquestionable,irrefutable,at one side,lateral,on one side,flanking,fringe, prep,with,accompanied by,accompanying, coNj,because,for the reason that,due to the fact that,since,as,from the reason that, pro,that