پښتو سمول

چلښت، چلن، چال چلند، لېږد،(ټريفيكي) تګ راتګ

پارسي سمول

روش، (طرز) رفتار رويه، طرز سلوك، بر خورد؛رفت و آمدوسايط نقليه

عربي سمول


اردو سمول

چال چلن

انګرېزي سمول

behavior(u)r, treatment traffic N livelihood, getting along, association treatment, circulation , to make do (with what is possible), to put up (with something), currency (circulation) monetary (circulation), livelihood, subsistence, act of getting along with, association treatment, circulation, attitude, manner, demeanor, outlook, perspective, disposition